Galvanised racks

Galvanised racks are among the most popular products in terms of the construction of horizontal actuators and translators, but also on a curved profile, for domestic applications, in particular for the construction of gates.
The galvanic application on steel allows for minimising the risk of attack by water-related corrosion and the presence of sodium, chlorine and points of accumulation of electrical charges

Our company designs and manufactures every type of galvanised mechanical accessory, with particular attention to the racks, guaranteeing you short delivery times even for large batches and materials always up to the expected stress.

How are galvanised racks made?

The first step is the selection of the material usually a square section or planar steel profile. This can belong to one of the different dimensions available, and be both simple and bonded, that is, contain weakening and distributed elements that alter its mechanical characteristics, making it more resistant to certain environments.

Once the cutting has been carried out, using numerically controlled instruments, the CNC machines, which allow different types of excavation and profile, with a cold process of material removal, optimised and handled in detail, move on to the next phases.

Our numerically controlled machines allow us to intervene with degrees of precision ranging from quality 6 to quality 10, compatible with most gears, or also available for custom machining.

Once the coarse cut has been made, a surface finish is provided, always by instrumental means, milling machine, coarse grain abraser or sandblaster, with the supervision of dedicated technical personnel.

This is an indispensable step to ensure that the product complies with the required geometric characteristics followed by tests for the recovery of torsion and alignment characteristics.

In fact, a steel metal block should not be considered as a completely uniform element, capable of withstanding any type of stress. Instead, it is a crystalline structure where the faces are linked to the presence of other elements besides carbon and iron and have different directions of expansion and dislocation that are not 100% predictable.
For this reason, during processing any steel element can undergo permanent deformations of small or large magnitude, which even put its structure at risk, in critical cases.

Usually, the problem can be considered marginal and the only intervention to be done is that of a counter-twist and realignment, which with our machines can be guaranteed up to 0.1 mm/m up to 6 m linear pieces.

In the case of particularly long elements, there may also be the phenomenon of lateral bending, the extent of which is all the more serious the larger the dimensions to be treated.

Our technicians can guarantee individual elements up to the maximum available in the range, completely free of macroscopic defects and made from selected materials. All the components are obtained with a chain that allows us to have semi-finished products with superior performance to be used for the production of our galvanised racks.

After all the mechanical processing and realignment operations, we then move on to a fundamental step that is that of annealing, a process that takes place hot, a sort of surface annealing that allows the recovery of the optimal conditions of the cut surfaces.

If an element does not undergo this processing, there may be the presence of porosities and cracks of a sub-micrometric entity that make it difficult to effectively immerse it in a galvanic bath and maintain its characteristics. Practically every single non-homogeneous point behaves like an accumulation zone of electrical charges.
In the case of contact with mineralised water or particulate suspension, these tiny openings behave like batteries causing significant electrochemical corrosion. Even if galvanising is carried out, there can be problems in the long term, in an aggressive environment without annealing.

Finally, we intervene with the galvanic bath for the distribution of zinc to completely passivate the surface, preventing its oxidation. It is a process that takes up to a few days depending on the complexity of the deposition, but which guarantees total coverage.

A thermal trauma under certain hypotheses can leave even serious consequences on the steel, while the distribution of the protective metal provides to create a very thin veil, with a certain depth of penetration on the interface. This prevents corrosion effects and the formation of zones with different electrical potentials.

Maximum consistency control for galvanised racks

An intervention with galvanisation makes the materials harder, but above all, it exceptionally resists abrasion and friction problems, if the rack is appropriately lubricated and lends itself, particularly in the case of installations destined to have to endure an environment rich in sodium or chlorine.

They are elements naturally dispersed in the air, especially in coastal areas, but not only, which can also profoundly affect the quality of metal interfaces.

Our technicians guarantee an all-in-factory galvanising process, i.e. carried out inside our production plants, which allows you to have a more homogeneous and robust surface, with a low-cost process. This can also be combined with different processes, to further increase the functional characteristics of the single rack.

All the phases of the processing of our workshop take place with CNC machines, that is, with numerical control, devices capable of verifying in an extremely accurate way the quality of the surface and the product in its coarsest and finest parameters. It offers you a double certainty of quality and reliability for the materials.

In our catalogue, you will find many types of standard racks already available for single piece or mass production, but our technicians are also at your disposal to optimise and formalise sketches and new projects, to allow you a better relationship with your customers and the accurate performance you want.

Our galvanising treatment is not only linked to antioxidant passivation of the surface but also to the estimates of the expected performance of the project. You will be provided in advance with a report that highly characterises all the elements that are conspicuous for this type of installation.
We pay particular attention to studies that highlight any differences concerning the degree of sliding expected without galvanising, always reporting any lubrication profiles that can improve the characteristics of the finished system.

For your rack’s galvanisation and on any other element, in addition, we also provide you with sprockets, gears and bevel heads in matching. These guarantee you the best possible performance for any type of project and the ability to also update the characteristics of the supporting instruments, to make the installation more effective.
Galvanising for racks lends itself to different ferrous-based alloys and significantly improves their characteristics, making all corrosion and alteration phenomena more difficult, even in the case of installation in chemically aggressive environments. It is a 100% safe treatment of long duration and that avoids having to subject the equipment to continuous adjustments and revisions.

In addition, it is an important bulwark against the risk of breakage due to the presence of debris and granules, a factor to be taken into account, for example, if the rack is intended for installation on hoppers, or for the construction of a passage or a motorised gate where daily maintenance is not possible.

For each project, we always offer you the indispensable advice to evaluate the characteristics in advance and we carry out, if necessary, the simulations to ensure that the coupling is excellent also for racks intended for use with helical profiles and not straight.

We offer you technical support in the case of installations on non-linear profiles or in environments subject to vibration, to limit the risks related to the possible formation of fractures in the cutting points in the case of assembly not completely integrated with the structure.

Our galvanised racks are available with both transverse fittings and vertical holes for mounting with through bolts and are compatible with hard rubber cushioning systems, necessary in the case of heavy-duty installation.

We also handle restoring treatment on lengthy installed racks that start to lose galvanisation, with the correction of defects and the restoration of all initial features or the upgrade.

The solution for your galvanised racks

For the realisation of your high-quality galvanised racks or the treatment of worn components, we offer a service that includes all the interventions, from the design to the delivery of the finished work, with optimal timing.

This is thanks to the possibility of taking advantage of a privileged supply chain of materials and all-in-factory processing, from cutting to galvanising and with all the processing elements already estimated during the project’s estimation phase.

Contact us by email or by phone our technicians will answer all your questions and clarify all your doubts, also suggesting any improvements and modifications both for finished projects and for simple CAD sketches, even in the case of production of individual pieces or extensive lots intended for market lines.